CANCELLED!! Reclaim Public Space ! - IN SITU ACT conference in Brussels

Following international government advices and taking into consideration the rapidly escalating health crisis, the IN SITU team and partners have taken the decision to cancel the IN SITU ACT Conference in April. -------------------------------- original event posting: IN SITU, European platform for artistic creation in public space will hold the IN SITU ACT conference in Brussels at La Tricoterie on Thursday, 23 April 2020. This conference will look back over the last four years of the network's activities in the frame of the cooperation project IN SITU ACT supported by the European Commission, giving a glimpse of artists’ journeys to reclaim public space. On the menu: insights into new ways of developing artist-organiser relationship models, case studies illustrating the links between artistic creation in public space and the civil society, thematic speeches on sustainability, audience development and education, a performance by the IN SITU artist Benjamin Vandewalle, and many more opportunities to dive into artistic creation in public space! Participation at the conference is free but registration is compulsory. In partnership with CIFAS, International Centre for Training in the Performing Arts.In IN SITU is the European platform dedicated to artistic creation in public space. It is led by Lieux publics - European and national center for artistic creation in public space - located in Marseille (FR). Since 2003, it has supported more than 250 artists and brought together 20 partners from 12 countries: Artopolis Association / PLACCC Festival (Hungary), Atelier 231 / Festival Viva Cité (France), CIFAS (Belgium), Čtyři dny / 4+4 Days in Motion (Czech Republic), FAI-AR (France), Freedom Festival (United Kingdom), Kimmel Center (The United States of America), Metropolis (Denmark), La Paperie (France), La Strada Graz (Austria), Les Tombées de la Nuit (France), Lieux publics (France), Norfolk & Norwich Festival (United Kingdom), Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof (Belgium), Teatri ODA (Kosovo), Østfold Internasjonale Teater (Norway), Oerol Festival (The Netherlands), Terni Festival (Italy), UZ Arts (United Kingdom). Since 2018, IN SITU gathers associate members from 8 countries: Bildstörung Europäisches Straßentheaterfestival Detmold (Germany), Biela Noc (Slovakia), Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture (Greece), FiraTàrrega (Spain), Bússola (Portugal), ANTI Festival (Finland), Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture (Italy) and Sura Medura (Sri Lanka). IN SITU ACT 2016 - 2020 is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. |
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