Van Eyck - calls for 2020 residencies and Vroman Fellowship

Two calls are open at the Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, Netherlands for 2020. The annual Call for Applications for one year residencies is open to visual artists, designers, curators, architects, writers, researchers. The Vroman Fellowship offers a 6-month residency to one artist, designer or writer who works on the intersection of art and science.
Residencies starting in 2020
Deadline: 1 October 2019, 23:59 CEST Timezone
As a post-academic, multidisciplinary institute, the Jan van Eyck Academie provides its participants with the time, space and expertise needed to develop their artistic practice in depth.
Visual artists and designers of all disciplines (graphic/fashion/food, etc.), (landscape) architects, curators, writers and researchers are invited to apply for a 12-month* residency. We welcome applications across various fields.
The academy's research focus will fall on water-related challenges in the Third Pole area, therefore, artists who specify in this field are encouraged to apply.
All info on applying you can find here:
1 July – 1 October 2019
Application deadline: 1 October 2019
The Jan van Eyck Academie and the Vroman Foundation for the second time jointly offer a Fellowship in the form of a 6-month residency at the Van Eyck. The Vroman Fellowship is open to an artist, designer or writer who works on the intersection of art and science.
In the spirit of polymath Leo Vroman (poet, writer, visual artist, biologist and haematologist 1915-2014), the fellow is given the opportunity to work from May - October 2020 in the multiform environment of the academy. The fellow will be working on his own projects, among other international participants from different disciplines and cultures.
The Vroman Fellow will enjoy the use of an individual studio and an apartment. The Jan van Eyck Academie also provides studio visits by staff and guest mentors; the use of well-equipped Labs (printing & publishing, photography/new media, woodwork, metalwork, nature research, a Food Lab and a library); collaborative projects with partners from the public, scientific and artistic realms; a public programme of lectures, events, workshops, symposia and exhibitions to join and/or to (co)organise.
During the residency period, the Vroman Fellow is expected to create new work with palpable innovative, cross-disciplinary qualities. A public presentation of the work is part of the residency period
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