Maastricht | Van Eyck residency opportunities

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: The Van Eyck invites artists, designers, photographers, architects, landscape architects, curators, writers, and thinkers to apply for a residency at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, Netherlands for 6 to 12 months. The Van Eyck is an international multiform organization for fine art, design, and reflection. The Van Eyck offers places to ca. 40 participants on an annual basis.
The Van Eyck welcomes artists, designers, photographers, landscape architects, architects, writers, curators, and thinkers (participants are generally between 22 - 41 years old). Every applicant shares our belief that insight comes through exchange with other: insight in the meaning of things, in your own practice, in the (art) world. Besides working in your own studio, you are expected to take an active part in the Van Eyck programme, to participate in one of the Mirror or Hubert van Eyck projects and to be involved in one or more In-Labs.
The Van Eyck is a multidisciplinary institute that furthers experiment, research, study, production and exchange. In our institute promising artists, designers, curators, (landscape) architects, writers and other thinkers are given the time and space that is needed to develop their talents, to discover as yet unexplored perspectives and delve into deeper layers of their selves.
Apply if you feel the time is ripe to take your work to another level in an open environment, to experiment and investigate, to see your work reflected in the mirror of the world or to do what no one fully grasps yet. Apply if you would like to meet artists, designers, curators, architects and thinkers from all quarters of the world. Apply if you want to be part of a community, establish collaborations and set up an In-Lab with other participants. Apply if you want to make use of our high-quality, well-equipped
Labs. Apply if you would like to participate in a Mirror Lab project or a project by the Jac. P. Thijsse Lab for Nature Research. Apply because you know the Van Eyck is the right place to be for you.
Deadline for applications: 2 October 2017
Personal contribution: Prior to your stay at the Van Eyck you are required to pay a personal contribution. The costs of being enrolled amounts to €2,750 at a yearly basis. For stays that are shorter or longer than 12 months pro rata amounts apply (so for example 6 months = €1,375).
Stipend: You receive a monthly stipend of €900. From this you will have to deduct rent and living costs. Renting a room amounts to €350 - €500 a month. The rest of the stipend is meant to support yourself. It is our estimate that it takes an additional €300 - €450 a month to attain an acceptable standard of living.
Production budget: Each participant has an individual production budget of €2,000 per year.
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