Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival | open call

The 28th Kassel Dokfest now invites all filmmakers, artists, distributors, producers, gallery owners, universities or institutions to submit their most current works and projects to the different sections (Film/Video, installation, AV-Performance, interfiction) of the Festival.
Each work to be submitted has to be registered with a separate and filled out entry form. Every director, author or artist may submit a maximum of five works to the different sections of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival. The submitted works should be current productions
of the years 2010 or 2011. To be complete, each application must include:
- a short synopsis
- a biography and a filmography in the form of a hard copy as well as on CD
- plus still images on CD/DVD.
The preview copy must be submitted on a separate DVD (PAL or NTSC). Please send the complete application materials with the stills on CD/DVD along with the preview copy (DVD in PAL or NTSC) to the following address:
Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, c/o Filmladen Kassel
Goethestrasse 31, 34119
Kassel, Germany
Please note that we do not send receipt confirmations.
In case the original version is neither in English nor in German, the work should be subtitled or accompanied by a text list in English. For installation and performance proposals we need a detailed project sketch and estimated costs, a list of the technical requirements as well as a video documentation and photographs, if available. Proposals for the interfiction symposium have to be submitted via www.interfiction.org.
Deadline for all sections is July 20, 2011.
The results of the selection will be announced via e-mail as of October 24. All submitters will receive a free festival catalogue in November. If your work has been selected, we will request a screening copy in best possible quality and will, as far as possible, invite the authors and artists to come to Kassel during the festival to join us for discussions. Selected films and videos will further be provided in a video library in the DokfestForum for accredited guests only, if the submitter does not explicitly object.
For further information, please refer to Rules of Participation.
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