Fukuoka Asian Art Museum 2019 Residence Programme

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (FAAM) announces the call for the 2019 FAAM Residence Programme, open to visual artists, researchers and curators from 21 countries in Asia. FAAM invites Asian artists, researchers and/or curators to stay in the museum to engage in various exchange programs with the local community in Fukuoka, Japan.
Through the residence program, FAAM intends to promote further understanding of Asian arts and cultures, to vitalize local communities, and to be a focal point for exchanging ideas and aesthetics through Asian arts.
The program invites visual artists, and/or researchers/curators active in Asia to conduct various exchange programs in Fukuoka including art making, workshops, exhibitions, and lectures.
FAAM Residence Program 2019
For the year 2019, 1-3 artists will be selected from 21 countries/region in Asia. The program will place even more importance on “exchange” with the museum visitors and local community through a creative channel of art.
[ Countries/Regions Applicable ]
Bangladesh, Bhutan,Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
*All the application materials need to arrive before the deadline (can be sent by email, following application instructions)
Application Guideline and Application Forms
Please download the documents on the website and read the guideline carefully before applying.
ONLINE APPLICATION FORM (Your first step for applying for the 2019 program)
Please submit your information through the online application form below and send other application materials through email (you will receive the address after submitting the online form).
More information on Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Image: [Artist in Residence Program 2018] May-July 2018 - Mo Jiaqing - Lives in Hangzhou (China)
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