ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Culture and Urban Space | call for texts and artistic projects for publication


31 May 2014

Culture and Urban Space | call for texts and artistic projects for publication


cult-urbInterArtive digital journal issue #65 will be dedicated to diverse aspects of the current discussion about Culture and Urban Space. InterArtive invites theorists, critics, curators and artists who work on the subject to contribute texts and artistic project presentations.

Which dynamics emerge within the urban space? How do they affect cultural production? What is the relation between political movements (online and on the streets) and artistic expression? What is the role of globalization within a political and artistic context? How are the existing hierarchies challenged by crisis and protest?

This call seeks to reflect on the political and cultural transformations that take place within the city, to highlight the links between the urban space and artistic production and to think about the concept of art and the city, within a global context.

Texts should be around 800 to 3000 words: see the Format Guidelines (pdf)

The works and art projects will be published in the form of Online Exhibition (images and short text): Format Guidelines (pdf)

Proposals should be submitted up until May 31, 2014

The 65th issue of Interartive will be published at the end of July 2014.

See website for more details of the subject scope on Culture and Urban Space

InterArtive is an open platform for dialogue that attempts to bring together different theoretical and practical fields of criticism and reflection on contemporary art and thought. Developed from an academic context in Barcelona, but emerging from a need to reach beyond it and to establish links with the artistic production, InterArtive functions as an online monthly journal and as a cultural association that carries out projects off-line.