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Opportunities > Belfast Photo Festival 2023


04 Feb 2023

Belfast Photo Festival 2023

The Belfast Photo Festival is calling for submissions of photographic or lens-based work from artists and photographers (individuals or collectives) for the 2023 exhibition and tour. 

Belfast Photo Festival is offering artists and photographers the opportunity to exhibit their work in the main Festival gallery alongside some of the biggest names in the field of photography and have their work taken on tour to be exhibited at the 2023 Photo Schwiez (Zurich, Switzerland), with a number also having the opportunity to be featured in the arts magazines Abridged and Aesthetica.

Submissions must be photographic or lens-based but can include incorporations of other art forms with the photographic medium (such as performance, painting, sculpture, music, literature, and more). Individuals and collectives are welcome to apply.

20 to 40 artists will benefit from:

  • awards and cash prizes
  • exhibition exposure at the Festival's main city centre gallery
  • exhibition exposure at the 2024 Photo Schwiez Festival (Switzerland)
  • inclusion in the special Festival issue of Abridged Magazine
  • long-term Festival representation and promotion
  • an opportunity to participate in an Instagram Residency
  • exhibition alongside some of the biggest photographic names as part of the major photographic event
  • publication and inclusion in the Festival programme
  • inclusion in the Festival’s marketing 
  • international press exposure
  • being seen by over 80,000 visitors
  • dedicated feature on the Festival website and online gallery

Belfast Photo Festival Awards

Spotlight Award: 2,000 GBP

Years Free RPS Membership: Free membership for one year to the Royal Photographic Society

Abridged Editorial Award: Presentation in a special Festival issue of Abridged Magazine

Aesthetica Editorial Award: Full editorial presentation in an upcoming printed/digital issue of Aesthetica international art and culture magazine

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 4 February 2023