Institute of Art History

Institut za povijest umjetnosti / Institute of Art History is a public institution founded in 1961 with the goal of improving and systemising scientific activity in the field of national artistic and historical heritage.
The Institute’s activities comprise scientific and applied research in humanities – within the field of art history and associated interdisciplinary fields related to art history, library- and documentation services, publishing activity, participation in the higher education system, scientific training and adult education, promotion of art history as a humanistic discipline significant for the development of society.
The institute’s specialised library fund and other documentation funds (photo archives, plans library, archival collections and legacies, newspaper and press cuttings archives and media library) constitute valuable research resources in the field of art history, architecture, urbanism, monument protection and other related disciplines.
The Journal of the Institute of Art History is an annual journal publishing original scholarly article that contains new insights, theories, and interpretations from the fields of art history and visual culture. Besides articles dealing with art history in Croatia and its broader context, the journal welcomes contributions on topics regarding the Central-European and European cultural space.
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