Hong Kong Heritage Museum

Under the umbrella of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum presents a unique mix of history, art and culture in a great variety of programmes that cater for the wide-ranging interests of the public.
Designed both to entertain and to enlighten, their exhibitions and activities offer a kaleidoscopic array of cultural and educational experiences for visitors. Featuring an exhibition area of some 7,500 square metres, the museum houses 5 permanent galleries - the Jin Yong Gallery, the Cantonese Opera Heritage Hall, the T.T. Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art, the Chao Shao-an Gallery and the Children's Discovery Gallery - as well as 6 thematic galleries that regularly host exhibitions showcasing the diverse treasures of their heritage.
As part of their mission is to reach out to the community and encourage public participation in museum activities, they publish a quarterly newsletter, produce teaching/learning kits and worksheets, organise seminars, school and theatre programmes on culture, history and art, put on activities for children and families and provide guided tours, with all of these resources specially designed so that visitors can get the most out of their visit to the museum.
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