WOMEX 16 | call for proposals

WOMEX 16 Call for Proposals Now Open - to everyone active in the global music scene. Opportunities to showcase music, screen film, share and discuss music knowledge at WOMEX 16 in Santiago de Compostela in Spain next October.
The WOMEX Showcase, Conference and Film programme is created based on an annual call for proposals inviting artists, speakers and filmmakers to apply to take part.
The WOMEX 16 Call for Proposals is NOW OPEN!
Deadline: 15 April 2016
There are four categories of proposals:
That's right: if you want to showcase your music, discuss your burning topic, screen your film or spread your knowledge…your time is now!
Everyone active in the global music scene can turn in a proposal! The programme of WOMEX is made by the global music community spanning across all continents, from traditional and folk circles to all other alternative and culturally open-minded scenes. After all submissions have been received, every one will be considered by our international, independent jury.
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