WOMEX | call to world music artists for showcase proposals

Calling all world music artists and DJs… It's time for Showcase proposals for WOMEX 11. Come perform at the premier world music Showcase event on the planet. If selected by our Jury, you'll play in front of the largest audience anywhere of international world music concert and festival bookers (over 850 last year), labels, distributors, journalists and industry professionals - everyone you need to help launch, re-launch, sustain and expand your career.
Performances in all world music forms and styles are welcome for our 45-minute sets - traditional, classical, modern, popular, electronic. Whatever you do, wherever you come from, our Jury wants to hear the best from all artists who deserve wider audiences and have the professional standards necessary to tour.
Funding: Please note that WOMEX is not in the position to cover any fees, travel expenses or other costs. What we do provide is the stage, the necessary equipment to perform, local transport to and from the airport and the venue, and our extensive promotional treatment on equal basis with all other WOMEX Showcase artists. That includes promotion of the show itself, newsletters, online promo, publication with full bios and contact details in our WOMEX Guide, and much more. Plus, all invited artists will get free full access to all features of WOMEX plus one free registration for our partner of agreement (the artist representative).
SEE WEBSITE for details of how to apply and calls for conference proposals and music film screening proposals.
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