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Opportunities > Poland | IN OUT FESTIVAL - call for videoarts submissions


01 Apr 2019

Poland | IN OUT FESTIVAL - call for videoarts submissions

OPEN CALL FOR THE 13th IN OUT FESTIVAL, held in Gdańsk, Poland, on the theme of VIDEO/PERFORMANCE. 

Filmmakers and visual artists are invited to participate in an open international competition happening along with 13th edition of IN OUT FESTIVAL. The competition is organized regularly since 2005 by LAZNIA Centre of Contemporary Art. Participants can submit videoarts, documentaries, experiments and animations focusing on this year’s theme VIDEO/PERFORMANCE.

The contest is a two-step process: until 1 April 2019 jury of the 1st step will select 20 artists, whose works will be qualified to the 2nd step and then screened at LAZNIA CCA. All finalists will be invited to take part in the festival in Gdańsk.


1st award: PLN 5 000 funded by the Marshal of Pomorskie Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk.

2nd award: PLN 4 000 funded by the LAZNIA CCA.

The jury will also award special mentions.