India | Sangam House residencies for writers

Sangam House in India offers an annual residency programme for writers from around the world. Applications are now invited for the 2013-14 season of residencies.
The intention of Sangam House is to bring together writers from around the world to live and work in a safe, peaceful setting, a space made necessary on many levels by the world we now live in. Our residency programs are designed for writers who have published to some acclaim but not yet enjoyed substantial commercial success. Sangam House seeks to give writers a chance to build a solid and influential network of personal and professional relationships that can deepen their own work, in effect, expanding and diversifying literature. We believe that literature can and must remain a thriving force of illumination for our times.
All applications must be received by July 31, 2013
The application period for the 2013-2014 season is now open. Click here to apply.
All applicants are automatically considered for the appropriate fellowships.
The Lavanya Sankaran Fellowship supports new writing from India.
The Nevatia Fellowship supports non-fiction writing in English, especially in the areas of social and cultural change.
The Prakriti Foundation Fellowships support writing in Tamil and Kannada.
The Bianca Pancoat Patton Fellowship supports the work of young women writers from India.
A donor who wishes to remain anonymous supports contemporary writing in Hindi.
A residency at Sangam House covers only board and lodge. Writers are required to cover travel costs to and from our location.
Image: Working. Picture by Lynne Fernandez.
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