India | Sangam House residency call for writers

Sangam House is an international writers' residency program located in India which brings together writers from across the world to live and work among their peers in a safe, supportive and nurturing space. The application period for 2019-2020 Sangam House residencies is now open.
The session dates are November 1, 2019 - January 31, 2020.
To be considered for a 2019-2020 residency, your application (including separate letter of recommendation) must be received electronically by the end of the day, June 30, 2019.
All applicants are automatically considered for the appropriate fellowships.
The Bhoomija Fellowship supports writing in Kannada.
The Bianca Pancoat Patton Fellowship supports the work of young women writers from India.
The Dhvani Fellowship (sponsored by Aditi: Foundation for the Arts) supports the work of translators working in and out of Indian languages.
The Eternal Vada Fellowship supports the residency of an American writer.
The Lavanya Sankaran Fellowship supports new writing from India.
The Murasaki Fellowship supports the residency for a fiction writer.
The Nevatia Fellowship supports non-fiction writing in English, especially in the areas of social and cultural change.
The Prakriti Foundation Fellowships support writing in Tamil and other Indian languages as well as writing by non-resident Indians.
The Writer’s Side Fellowship supports a first time non-fiction writer from South Asia.
A donor who wishes to remain anonymous supports contemporary writing in Hindi.
A residency at Sangam House covers only board and lodge. Writers are required to cover travel costs to and from our location. If selected, all non-Indian applicants will be responsible for obtaining a tourist visa to India six weeks in advance of their travel date.
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