Im/Plants | open call National Sculpture Factory Ireland

The National Sculpture Factory (NSF) in Cork, Ireland announces its new programme strand Im/Plants, open to all international artists, offering the opportunity for a new, flexible model of 3-month artist interventions at NSF.
NSF Im/Plants proposes a programme of seasonal implantations (insertions) into the National Sculpture Factory. This project is open to Irish and international artists, curators, independent art groups, individual cultural and spatial practitioners, and collectives across all art disciplines.
Each implant is of a 3-month duration and is programmed to happen seasonally. It is self-directing and self-sufficient, with an overall stipend of €3,000 and with access to the full resources and supports of the NSF, adapted to the needs of each specific applicant.
There are no prescribed outcomes, but each implant is expected to leave a trace, residue, or shadow, of their period of interactivity with the host organisation. Such outcomes are not restricted to the ephemeral and can be of a more permanent nature.
Applicants are invited to propose, themselves; their practice and their particular Im/plant proposal in whatever form they deem relevant bearing in mind the considerations above and the context being offered.
They should also nominate a preferred season in which they wish to take up their Im/Plantantion. The three-month seasons are as follows:
- August to November 2014
- November to March 2014/15
- February to May 2015
- June to September 2015
Applicants can develop proposals for Im/Plants with the understanding that they need not be present, or resident in Cork for the entire 3-monthly season. This is not a studio-based residency, while a space in the NSF can be made available if necessary. Applicants should suggest how they propose to proceed over the 3-month period and how this can lead to a constructive and productive engagement.
Deadline for proposals: 9 June 2014
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