Eye on Films – circulation and commercial exploitation of films

Call for Entries 2011
Created in January 2011, Eye on Films is a unique, global network of film professionals, which guarantees the circulation of a selection of first feature films in festivals partners in Europe and third countries, and the commercial exploitation of these films by distribution partners in Europe and third countries.
Regulations and Entry Form for submitting Films are available on www.eyeonfilms.org
Anybody can submit a film.
All films submitted must fulfill the Submission requirements detailed in the EoF Regulations.
Rights Holders (producers, sales agents...) must agree on the EoF Regulations and return the Entry form duly filled and signed, before applying.
Submission requirements: Except special cases, all films submitted for the EoF project must fulfill the following requirements:
1 - Films should have been completed recently.
Only works completed after October 31st, 2010 are eligible for selection in 2011.
2 - Only debute films are eligible for selection. First films are preferred.
3 - Only feature films (fiction, animation...) and feature-length documentaries are eligible for selection.
Eye on Films does not accept short films or documentaries of less than 60 minutes.
4 - Films should be available on both 35mm and digital format (HD, DCP).
Before applying, Rights Holders must guarantee the availability of such material in both original version with no subtitles, and original version with English subtitles.
5 - Films should not have been previously shown over the Internet or broadcasted on TV or been commercially released (in theaters and/or on other media) outside their country of origin.
6 – Films which have been previously presented in a festival in their country of origin are eligible for selection, provided the fact that no other screening was arranged after the national premiere, inside and outside the country.
Films which have been previously presented for world premiere in a major festival after October 2010 (such as Pusan, Sundance, Rotterdam, Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Venice…) are eligible, provided the fact that no other screening was arranged after the world premiere, inside and outside the country.
Preferably, films should not have been previously presented at any festival or film event (except in the context of a film market) outside their country of origin, and especially not in the participating territories.
N.B. It is possible to submit a working copy of the film. When filling out the entry form, the Rights Holder should state if he is submitting the final version or a working version.
Submission process: The selection process is carried out through Cinando’s Online Screening Room facility.
Cinando’s Online Screening Room is an extra secured environment. Watermarking the viewer’s name tracks the origin of any illegal copy. It guarantees a protection against piracy and an exclusive professional use.
Cinando’s Online Screening Room is free, instant, secure and easy to use.
Rights Holders should upload the submitted Film with ease.
Once the upload process is complete, notify submission@eyeonfilms.org
N.B. In certain cases, the EoF Coordinator can accept submissions on DVD. Please check the EoF Regulations for more information about the selection process on dvd.
For further information about the submission process, please contact submission@eyeonfilms.org
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