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Opportunities > Docs In Thessaloniki | Opportunity For Documentary Makers


18 Mar 2014

Docs In Thessaloniki | Opportunity For Documentary Makers

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The Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, located on the beautiful coast of Greece and held from 14-23 March 2014  hosts the Docs in Thessaloniki event in association with the European Documentary Network - an international pitching forum and workshop offering an opportunity to create alliances for future collaborations. Here you will develop & pitch your project and network with European colleagues and financiers in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere. Twenty one-projects have been selected for development, re-writing and pitching; however, if you want to take part in the forum without a project, you can still apply.

The first three days are focusing on development. The participating project teams are working on their projects’ structure, style and focus of the content as well as the presentation and pitching techniques. This is done by working in small groups under guidance from international experts and through highly informative seminar sessions. At the end of the workshop each project is re-written and presented to the participating financiers in a 2-page presentation. The development workshop is lead by experienced international producers & filmmakers.

Docs in Thessaloniki concludes with two days of pitching. During the pitching sessions all participants pitch their projects to a panel of international financiers from leading broadcasters. Pitchers have seven minutes to present their projects. The visual material in form of a trailer or promo has to be included in these seven minutes. After the pitch the panel has seven minutes to give feedback. The pitching session is followed by scheduled individual meetings between the pitching teams and the financiers. The meetings are for in-depth discussions about further development and possible future collaboration.

If you do not have a project ready to pitch, you can still take part in Docs in Thessaloniki. There are a number of seats available for participants without a project. You will take part in the full Docs in Thessaloniki program on equal terms with the pitching participants. Only exception is not having a concrete project developed and pitched. The seats available for participants without a project are handled on a 'first come - first served' basis. To apply please write a short email motivating your participation to Ove Rishøj Jensen at EDN -

Read further information.