Berlin | Nipkow Programm 2021

The Nipkow Programm 2021 offers a 3-month residency in Berlin, with a monthly stipend. It is open to media professionals from all over the world such as writers, directors, producers and animators, who submit their current feature film projects which they want to develop with the aid of the NIPKOW PROGRAMM through individual consultations with script consultants, potential producers/co-producers and through tailor-made workshops.
Participation Conditions of NIPKOW PROGRAMM 2021.
The Deadline for Applications is 1st February 2021 by midnight Berlin time.
Your application for the NIPKOW PROGRAMM will only be processed if you meet the following requirements:
- You are a professional writer, director, producer, animator or post- production specialist (no students).
- You have completed a first feature length film (more than 70min.) either fiction, documentary, cross media or series. Applicants who have not completed a feature length film may qualify for consideration if they have had a short film awarded by the following major International Film Festivals: Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Sundance, Toronto, Venice.
- The project with which you apply is a new feature-length project destined for theatrical release (fiction, documentary, animation). Drama series and cross media shall be destined for either TV or platforms like Netflix, HBO etc.
- Minimum a first draft of the script must be available in English. For documentary projects we require a developed treatment.
- A producer is already attached to the project.
- Two letters of recommendation from industry professionals.
- You submit a complete application correctly and entirely in English, including a sample of your previous work as well as a signed rights clearance, confirming that you own the copyright on the original material or an option in the case of a script based on literary material.
If you are selected to participate you must agree to the following conditions:
- I’ll be available for a three months Berlin residency between June and November 2021.
- I commit myself to stay in Berlin for the whole duration of my NIPKOW PROGRAMM fellowship (between June 1st till November 30th 2021).
- I commit myself to work closely with and plan my project efficiently in consultation with the NIPKOW PROGRAMM office during my stay in Berlin.
- I shall receive a monthly stipend of 1.500,00 Euro. Accommodation in Berlin should be arranged by myself. Travel expenses and accommodation will not be covered by the NIPKOW PROGRAMM.
- I commit myself to attend - and if necessary, to prepare for - all NIPKOW PROGRAMM meetings / workshops / seminars in Berlin.
- I am aware that some of my data, such as my name, the director's name, project title, production company, country of the production etc. will be published on your website as provided by me.
- I'll have to write an interim report before I receive the final instalment of my monthly grant.
- In the opening and closing credits of the selected film project, as well as in all promotional and advertising material, the NIPKOW PROGRAMM is to be named with logo.
- I commit myself to provide the NIPKOW PROGRAMM with continuous updates of my work and projects after completion of my grant.
Selected participants are awarded a monthly grant of 1,500 Euros to allow them to concentrate exclusively on their work. Participants are expected to commit to working solely on their projects while in Berlin. Grants are awarded by the jury for a period of up to three months. The selected participants must complete their fellowship between June and November 2021. Travel expenses and accommodation will not be covered by the NIPKOW PROGRAMM. All participants are obliged to write a final report before receiving their final monthly grant.
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