Austria | 2024 Artists in Residence at European Geosciences Union

European Geosciences Union is calling for applications from science-artists for the Artist in Residence programme, which provides artists and scientists with opportunities to exchange ideas at EGU24, taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 14 to 19 April 2024.
EGU’s annual General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world for a meeting that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Given the unique situation of this residency, EGU are looking for applications from curious and open-minded creatives, either scientists who also work as artists, or artists with some experience engaging with science, to apply to spend the week in Vienna, Austria.
The programme welcomes applications from artists who work in any kind of creative field. The residency will involve the production of new creative works generated during the week of the meeting and inspired by the research or researchers of EGU24.
In addition to creating new artworks, the successful Artists in Residence will be able to submit an abstract to present their work/research during the meeting, and are also encouraged to run a short course or pop-up event on how their creative format can be used to communicate science.
What support is provided?
The successful applicant will be provided with a financial stipend to support material costs and travel expenses, as well as being provided with a free registration to EGU24. The total amount of the stipend will vary depending on the location of the artist, but in previous years has averaged to approximately 1,200 EUR.
EGU Artist Residency application guidelines
Deadline: 27 November 2023
Image: Stacy Phillips, EGU Artist (not) in Residence 2021
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