3rd Ruhr Biennale | open call

3rd Ruhr Biennial – Townshipwise different | request for proposals. Artists, architects and authors from the whole world are invited to tackle the topic of urban and natural living environments of the future.
Installations outside, concepts, sculptures, landscape painting, video and photography projects shall focus on urban free spaces, familiar and forgotten places, parks and greenery, lawns, intercultural gardens and the yearning for urban natural space.
The goal is to make the arts visible – in mosques, at the kiosk, the bus stops, the zoo, in shops, on leisure and playgrounds. Places for encouragement and foundering shall become visible, models for future urban planning shall be presented and places to help us succeed shall be created. We want to get people involved who live and workin the region to reinvigorate the social an intercultural dialogue, to encourage a shift of paradigm in urban nature by making the urban environment accessible as a holistic piece of art. And we would like to show up, what it is that makes people feel at home (or homeless) in a city, in its history and in its natural environment.
The ideographic levels of our 3rd Ruhr Biennale bear the following subtitles:
1. Lost & Working Places – Places of industrial culture and wildnerness incivilization (photography, videos) in Cooperation with urbEXPO (Bochum).
2. Transformation of Nature into Art – Mana Places/ Poetry of Space/ Natural Illusions (all media)
3. Landscape and Vision – Urban spaces and dreams, pictures of landscapes, today and tomorrow (all media)
4. Homeland & Homelessness – A citizens’ project (a collection of documents, objects, recordings of the collective memory of citizens and artists)
The 3rd Ruhr Biennale takes place October - December 2014
As of now artists of all categories may apply to participate in the 3rd Ruhr Biennial 2014.
Please provide your first informative documents - jpg images, CV and project ideas (as pdf) via email to:
info@ruhrbiennale.de or h.schero@gmx.de (curator)
Check website before submitting your proposals
Closing date: 1st February 2014
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