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News & events > Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2023 | The Perfect Motion Film Screening

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22 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2023 | The Perfect Motion Film Screening

From 1906 to the present day, from Auguste Rodin's sketches, from the glory hours to the darkest days, Cambodia's Royal Ballet survived.

Film screening (duration: 1h 30m) & live traditional Cambodian dance performance (duration: 15m)

Sunday, 22 October 2023, 4 pm 

Asian Civilisations Museum, Ngee Ann Auditorium (B1, 1 Empress Pl, Singapore 179555)

Film screening (duration: 1h 30m)

Sunday, 29 October 2023, 4 pm 

Asian Civilisations Museum, Ngee Ann Auditorium (B1, 1 Empress Pl, Singapore 179555)

The odyssey of a millenary art, the symbol of a restored identity.  

From 1906 to the present day, from Auguste Rodin’s sketches to the creation of a new show for a French tour, from the glory hours to the darkest days, Cambodia’s Royal Ballet has survived and upheld its unique body language.  

The Perfect Motion film follows the creation of a show called “Metamorphosis” and the history of the Royal Ballet since 1906, when French sculptor Rodin tried to capture, through his drawings, the essence of this art he had just discovered.   

The conceptualisation and preparation of the new show, as well as the performances across France lead to a journey of discovery of the Ballet’s incredible odyssey. Alternating between past and present, we see the ballet’s movements and postures take us to a world of mystery and splendour, gradually becoming the key to reconstructing national identity and a source of fascination for international audiences. 

The opening screening on 22 October will be followed by Preah Thong Dance - a traditional Cambodian dance performance - and a post-show talk with Xavier de Lauzanne (filmmaker) and HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso (Director - Princess Buppha Devi Dance School).  

Director: Xavier de Lauzanne

Writers: Xavier de Lauzanne and Pierre Kogan

Producers: François-Hugues de Vaumas, Xavier de Lauzanne, Pierre Kogan

Production Company: Aloest Films Productions

With support of: HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso and the Princess Buppha Devi Dance School, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

BOOK NOW on Eventbrite

22 October

29 October

The event is part of Asia-Europe Cultural Festival 2023, CLICK HERE for the full programme.