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News & events > Museums and Creative Industries Report: Call for contributions

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

21 Jul 2018

Museums and Creative Industries Report: Call for contributions

The Network of European Museum Organisations - NEMO has recently launched a call for contributions to a report showcasing how museums and creative industries successfully work together. The report will be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair next October.


This year NEMO is a partner of the ARTS+ (“Future of Culture Festival”), with a focus on cultural heritage, which will take place at the Frankfurt Book Fair from 10 to 14 October. NEMO is planning to participate in the festival with a report showcasing around 15 innovative case studies from across Europe on how museums and creative industries successfully work together. The report will feed the panel discussion “Innovation Support & Cultural Heritage” which aims at producing recommendations for politicians in the field of innovation and cultural heritage. Creative Museum, an independent think thank that initiated and leads NEMO's Working Group Museums and Creative Industries, has taken up to coordinate selection of case studies so as to prepare the mentioned report. The ARTS+ festival at Frankfurt Book Fair is seen as a great opportunity for European museum community to highlight its importance as a support base for creative industries and talk openly about problems in cooperation with creative sector in a high profile event.

How to contribute

NEMO asks contributors to select a case study and to answer three simple questions in relation to it:
  • Why is it important for a museum to cooperate with creative industries? (Or, if you are a representative of creative industries – why is it important to cooperate with a museum?)
  • What are the main challenges of working together?
  • What is the added value of cooperation between museums and creative industries in your opinion (economic – mainstreaming museum products and services, educational – reaching broader audiences, social innovation etc.)?
A short description of the chosen case study and some high-resolution images are also requested. Contributors can refer to previous publications of the NEMO Working Group on Museums and Creative Industries for inspiration, accessible here. Contributions should be sent by 15 August at the latest.

Further information

For additional details, please refer to the call at