THE ARTS+ Festival at Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

THE ARTS+ Future of Culture Festival is the festival dedicated to the future of the creative and cultural industries, embedded within the programme of Frankfurt Book Fair 2018 (10 - 14 October).
The virtual worlds at Frankfurter Buchmesse are seemingly endless, and certainly offer a bit of unpredictability. ‘The Arts+‘ will make this its credo: bringing creative powers together, introducing new synergies, and creating a network among the arts.
THE ARTS+ asks questions: How is our living environment and communication changing as history is being written increasingly in data and pixels – that is, not just by people, but by creative artificial intelligence? How is our understanding of culture and creativity, of human beings themselves as well as their legacy changing? What will be our (intellectual) legacy to the generations to come? Who will cultivate and curate it – and how? These are all questions we discuss as part of THE ARTS+ programme – with politicians, creatives, designers and pioneers from technology and economics, and representatives from museums, cultural institutions, and media companies. THE ARTS+ sees itself as a showroom for the future of the cultural and creative industries. THE ARTS+ establishes networks and synergies – on 3000 square metres in hall 4.1!
2018 is all about the “Cultural Heritage of Tomorrow”!
The EU has designated 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage. That’s why THE ARTS+ brings together the key players from the creative and cultural sectors, presents the pioneers of the cultural ecosystem of the future, shows how the cultural heritage is changing and its consumption is transforming. We’re convinced that the only way to solve the challenges of the future is by working together – which is why THE ARTS+ sees itself as a link between cultural worlds and aims to establish networks and synergies. The festival is also about financial alliances – the economic present and future of the creative industry. Finally, it is also dedicated to creating a new order and, with it, a new framework – financial and political, but also in terms of how the sectors understand and justify themselves.
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