Dance Bridges festival between India, the UK and beyond

The fourth edition of Dance Bridges Festival, from 11 to 22 August 2022, is a special hybrid format with live events (including in Kolkata and London), digital offerings, engagements and film screenings.
Dance Bridges has always sought to build artistic exchanges and build bridges across frontiers through culture. This is reflected in the artistic team, led by Founder–Director, Vanessa Maria Mirza (currently based in London) Associate Director Dam Van Huynh & Pierre Palluet (Hong Kong/London) and Jeff Hsieh, who are working with partners in India and abroad.
11 August: Opening
The inauguration will take place in Kolkata and will comprise an online opening ceremony with dance artists performing live from three cities in Asia and Europe.
Throughout the festival: Film screenings
Throughout the festival, on the website and Facebook, there will be a curated live screening of dance films of artists and dance companies from across the world.
13 August: JAM with friends
This curated online JAM event invites people around the world to dance together through ZOOM. It will take place on 13 August with guest artists to lead the flow of the jam, featuring, Song Chun Tsai (dance), Artur Vidal (UK, music) and Sreya Chatterjee (India/Germany, visual Arts).
There is an open call for artists to join as participants. There are two options, to join from a personally chosen space indoor/outdoor (recommended for 1–3 people) and the other is to join larger group of artists within a studio space that has digital projection.
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