ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Get in-depth perspectives through commissioned articles, interviews and reports on current topics for Asia-Europe cultural relations.

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

28 Jun 2023

Recalibrating the Compass: New Approaches to Asia-Europe Cultural Relations | New Publication Launched!


ASEF culture360 is delighted to present Recalibrating the Compass: New Approaches to Asia-Europe Cultural Relations, a new publication presenting the key findings and recommendations that emerged from our Recalibrating the …

By Ghulam Shabir Arain

28 Mar 2023

Fostering Creativity and Innovation: The Role of Cultural Policy in Pakistan's Cultural Sector

Pakistan’s cultural heritage is a wealthy inventory of ancient monuments, literary masterpieces, and traditional crafts. However, despite its rich cultural heritage, Pakistan's cultural sector has faced many challenges, especially during …

By Tola SAY

02 Mar 2023

Why Internationalisation Matters and How It Can Be Done


Supported as part of the Arts Journalism Matters Fellowship, Tola Say reports on the key topics and trends from the ENCATC Congress that took place in Brussels last October.

By Yasen Vasilev

08 Dec 2022

A Healthy Ecosystem for the Arts in Bulgaria

Ideal conditions for a national ecosystem of the independent performing arts scene in Bulgaria.

posted on

28 Jul 2022

Recalibrating the Compass: Culture’s Role in Addressing the Climate Crisis – Roundtable #2 - Report

In 2022, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and following the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, ASEF has launched a series of online …

posted on

08 Jun 2022

Recalibrating the Compass: Empowering the Creative Ecosystem – Roundtable #1 - Report

In 2022, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and following the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, ASEF has launched a series of online …

By Klaudia Chzhu

25 May 2021

Towards a Gender Equity in the Arts


This article is the result of the research conducted by Klaudia Chzhu during the e-residency Virtual Crossovers, organised in April 2021 by ASEF and ENCATC, the European network for cultural …

By Andrew Ormston

11 Nov 2019

#peripheries: Turning Tides: cultural strategy at a distance | United Kingdom

Nunatak, the British Antarctic Survey scientist’s rock band is featuring a series of articles on the topic of #peripheries. The #peripheries have been regarded as being in the geographical margin, distant from the capital cities and cultural …


19 Sep 2019

#peripheries: Beyond the capital | The quest for inclusion in the Philippines

Beyond the capital | The quest for inclusion in the Philippines is featuring a new series of articles on the topic of #peripheries. The #peripheries have been regarded as being in the geographical margin, distant from the capital cities and …

By Cristina Farinha

05 Jul 2019

Back to the Future: Imagining together the next generation of cultural policy platforms

Assembly group picture at the Institut national d'histoire de l'art in Paris, France
Image courtesy: Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends' Association
(c) Bogdan Palici


The 2nd Assembly of the Association Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends took place in Paris, 5-6 June 2019, hosted by the French Ministry of Culture under the motto “Imagining …

By Kerrine Goh

26 Feb 2019

Arts in the Aftermath of #Tokyo2020

The photo by Phil Kates, is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


The Olympic Games are undoubtedly the most ambitiously celebrated sports festivals of our time. While countries bid to host the Games with great fervour despite the involvement of a huge …

By Yuko Ishiwata

07 Feb 2019

#Tokyo2020: Japan's Cultural Initiatives for the Olympics


Amidst millions of ecstatic onlookers, the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Paralympics, held in Rio de Janeiro, marked the symbolic beginning of the Tokyo 2020 Cultural Olympiad, with the …


05 Dec 2018

Czechia-Asia Cultural Co-operation



The topic of artistic and cultural co-operation has been rapidly gaining significance in regional, national as well as local contexts, both in Asia and Europe.

By Ritirong Jiwakanon

03 Dec 2018

ENCATC International Study Tour in Tokyo - Key Observations



The 2018 ENCATC (European Network on Cultural Management and Policy) International Study Tour in Tokyo was held from 7 to 9 November 2018 and offered an intensive learning programme on …

By Dr Marcin Poprawski

16 Nov 2018

10th ICCPR: The cultural governance of global flows Key Messages



The International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) is an ambitious biennial event in cultural policy research which provides a unique opportunity for academics to present their recent work in …