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21 Feb 2017

Streaming Egos | Digital Identities publication


Who are we on the internet? How do we present ourselves in the web and in social media? - In order to deal with the ancient, and yet urgent, issue of identity reframed into contemporary digital culture, a project by the Goethe-Institut brought together artists and specialists of net culture from six European countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain). This publication documents the project’s outcome.

In January 2016, the Goethe-Institut in South-West Europe (BelgiumFranceGermanyItalyPortugal, and Spain) launched Streaming Egos: a project coordinated by the Goethe-Institut of Paris, in cooperation with the Slow Media Institut and the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, about the ancient, and yet urgent, issue of identity reframed into contemporary digital culture. Now, the outcome of the artistic research is available online.

Produced and distributed by Digicult – Digital Art, Design and Culture, the Streaming Egos – Digital Identities publication collects the complete documentation of works, researches, and events connected to the project.

The publication is available as an online preview on ISSUU, in Print on Demand on Peecho, and for download in PDF and ePub formats. See also the digital platform where participants publicly shared their critical thoughts and reflections during the whole time of the project.

Download PDF for desktop/mobile systems 

Download ePUB for desktop and PAD devices

Publication preview on ISSUU

Print-on-Demand on Peecho

About #StreamingEgos

The European project Streaming Egos brought together media experts, artists, critics and curators who tackled the theme of digital identity by exploring its risks, limits and advantages when facing the blurred borders in-between virtual and real life. The project explored the ways digital identities come into being, change and develop under the influence of social media, within the framework of the socio-political status quo of each country. It resulted in the production of a digital platform, the exhibition Ego Update. The Future of the Digital Identity and the Identity Convention.

About the publication
Streaming Egos – Digital Identities documents the works and researches produced during the European project, and provides the reader with critical insights, addressing the issue of identity in contemporary transnational and digital culture. In the publication you can find a whole section collecting the materials of each country project, and another one gathering critical essays by a heterogeneous group of contributors, including critics, journalists, writers, curators and media experts. In addition, the publication hosts statements by thinkers who give their own perspective on the topic, as food for thought with respect to the issue of identities in the age of netculture.