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02 Dec 2016

Culture & Disability: Policies & Practices in Asia and Europe | report launched

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ASEF culture360 is proud to present a new report written by Jordi Balta Portoles titled: Culture & Disability: Policies & Practices in Asia and Europe. The report focuses on existing legislation, policies, programmes and projects in the field of culture and disability in the countries that are part of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). It was first presented at the 16th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights: Persons with Disabilities and Human Rights (8-10 November 2016, Beijing, China), co-organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF); Raoul Wallenberg Institute (nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden); Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, France; Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippines, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China.

The aim of this research is to provide a general overview of innovative policy measures and case studies in the field of arts and disability in the 2 regions. The focus generally lies on stated aims and activities of existing legislation, policies and programmes, with information about their actual results and effectiveness presented only where this was easily accessible. The report also illustrates the diverse range of areas in which measures can be adopted, so as to provide inspiration to stakeholders across Asia and Europe and beyond.

Download the full report here