UNESCO-Aschberg programme for artists and cultural professionals 2023

Call for projects from governments, public institutions and civil society organisations for the UNESCO-Aschberg programme for artists and cultural professionals, which aims at protecting and promoting artistic freedom, including the status of the artist.
The call for projects includes two tracks:
- Track 1, open to governments and public institutions: technical assistance aimed at revising or designing new regulatory frameworks (laws, policies, measures, etc.) that protect and promote artistic freedom, including the status of the artist and cultural professionals.
- Track 2, open to civil society organisations: financial assistance in the implementation of innovative projects aimed at advancing the issue of artistic freedom, including the status of the artist at the local, national, regional or international level (e.g. capacity building, advocacy, monitoring and research activities, etc.).
Track 1 eligibility and support
Applicants should be a national government/public institution whose mandate is relevant for the advancement of artistic freedom, including the status of the artist and cultural professionals, for example:
- National ministries (Culture, Finance, Labour, Tourism, Communication, Social Affairs, etc.)
- National arts councils and specialised committees concerned with arts, cultural and creative industries
- National Parliaments and/or their special thematic commissions
In addition to the technical expertise, financial support for up to 30,000 USD can be requested in order to support the logistics of the project’s implementation.
Track 2 eligibility and support
Applicants should be local, national, regional or international civil society organisations (not-for-profit entities) based in a UNESCO Member State country, including, for example:
- Non-governmental organisations that promote artistic freedom, and associations and foundations active in the cultural and creative industries, including cultural and professional associations
- Networks or unions of artists and cultural professionals
- Academic institutions and research centres
The supported projects can include capacity-building activities or advocacy, monitoring and research activities. The ceiling for requests for financial assistance is set at 50,000 USD.
Deadline: 28 February 2023
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