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Opportunities > Noorderlicht Photo Festival 2021 - open call


15 Feb 2021

Noorderlicht Photo Festival 2021 - open call

The Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021 will take place from 26 June to 12 September 2021 at various locations in the Dutch provinces of Groningen and Friesland. It is looking for new and existing work, responding to the theme 'The Makeable Mind', exploring the relationship between visual culture and reality.

Departing from photography, the festival focuses on the entire spectrum of the image, both analogue and digital: from computer-generated imagery to virtual, mixed and augmented reality, installations, projections and mappings. The theme ‘The Makeable Mind’ will explore the relationship between visual culture and reality: How do visual technologies, communication media, and both mainstream and citizen journalism influence our thinking, and how do they disguise, describe, rewrite and expose our reality?

  • Flexible realities
  • New instruments
  • Online world 
  • Parallel worlds

Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021 is looking for new and existing work. Click here for the complete open call. Here you will find the Exhibition FAQ.

Noorderlicht is serious about diversity and inclusion and welcomes proposals from photographers, lens-based artists and curators from all parts of the world, from all generations, individuals or collectives. Art forms relating to photography, such as digital media, video or VR, are also specifically requested, as is work in which photography enters into a dialogue with all other conceivable types of media. We therefore call upon everyone - even if this is the first time you wish to submit something to an Open Call, or if your practice goes beyond photography - to push your boundaries literally and figuratively

Proposals can be submitted until 15 February 2021

Noorderlicht is an international platform for artists who use photography and adjoining media in all its stories, forms and changes to portray their engagement with society. ‘The Makeable Mind’ is the 28th edition of the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival and takes place from 26 June until 12 September 2021 in the provinces Groningen and Friesland.

Image: LAWKI – film still, 2020 | Artists: ARK (Louis Braddock Clarke, Roosje Klap & Zuzanna Zgierska)