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Opportunities > Łódź Design Festival | Make Me! contest


30 Jun 2012

Łódź Design Festival | Make Me! contest


The „make me!” contest is one of the crucial elements of Łódź Design Festival . In only five years it has become one of the most important contests for young designers not only in Poland, but also abroad. The number of applications increases each year. They come from the most distant corners of the world, such as Japan, Philippines or Malaysia.

Prizes of 4,600 €

The main prize of PLN 20 000 as well as awards in the form of study tours and internships create the possibility of development and improvement of one’s skills.

The contest is directed to young artists aged between 20 and 30. We accept works from various areas of design, including fashion. Each application is assessed by a carefully selected, international jury, which consists of design experts, including festival directors, curators, critics, designers and editors of trade magazines. Awarded works are presented at the post-contest exhibition, held during the Festival. For young people, it is a unique opportunity to show their ideas publicly, establish contacts with companies and enter the Polish as well as international design market.

The Jury of the 5th make me!

This year we have introduced a few changes in the contest rules and format. This is the first time that we have charged a participation fee. Moreover, we do not accept architectural designs. Finally, applications can only be sent via e-mail to
The rules and application form.

Works are to be submitted between 15 March and 30 June.

Participation fee:
PLN 100
EUR 30
USD 40