Lisbon | InShadow Video-Performance-Technologies festival | open call

5th InShadow - International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies takes place in Lisbon in November/December. Call for entries is open for videos, performances and installations.
5th InShadow - International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies
29th November to 7th December 2013 at São Luiz Teatro Municipal and other theatres, museums, galleries and venues in Lisbon
a) Videodance / to join the Video-dance Competition, in which approximately 40 videos run to 8 awards attributed by the Official Jury, School Jury, Vo'Arte Jury and public. Screening takes place at São Luiz Teatro Municipal.
b) Documentaries / to join the DocShadow Competition, in which approximately up to 8 videos run to an award attributed by DocShadow Jury. Screening takes place at Teatro do Bairro.
c) Performance (solos) / to integrate the SoloShadow program, running to the Best Solo Award. Performances at both São Luiz Teatro Municipal and Teatro do Bairro.
d) Installations / to present at alternative spaces in the Theatre and the partner galleries Módulo - Centor Difusor de Arte, Galeria Graça Brandão, Pickpocket Gallery, Atelier Câmara Lenta, among others.
Read the regulations thoroughly and complete the online entry form. See website for all other details of how to submit works.
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