Games for Health Europe | call for content 2012

Games for Health is a professional community in the field of health games, bringing together the best minds in game development and health care to advance game technologies that improve health and the delivery of health care. It is currently looking for content including case studies of recent game design in the context of healthcare.
Submissions are to be made via an online form. The standard presentation time is 15 minutes, but longer presentations will be considered under special circumstances.
Games for Health Europe is the sister conference of the Games for Health project founded in 2004. The Games for Health Project supports community, knowledge, and business development efforts to use cutting-edge games and game technologies to improve health and health care. To date, the project has brought together researchers, medical professionals, and game developers to share information about the impact games and game technologies can have on health, health care, and policy.
Games for health Europe Foundation is non-profit. This year on October 24th & 25th in the Concert Hall Amsterdam will be the first edition exclusively in Europe for the next 5 years. Games for Health Europe is an official licensing partner of GamesForHealth, has access to a Games For Health community of 6.000 members, 200 companies & 10.000 medical professionals in Europe.
Source: Games for Health Europe
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