Casa Asia grants: Spain-Asia cultural projects

Casa Asia has opened the call that aims at the awarding of 9 aid programmes to research and cultural cooperation projects with Asia and the Pacific, addressed to Spanish citizens or members of the European Union with residence in Spain, as well as Iberoamerican and Asian citizens, for 2011.
To apply for this grant applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
a) To be researchers, academics, educators, artists, journalists, professionals of other fields or institutions (foundations, associations, universities, etc.) that satisfactorily accredit their competence to carry out the project the grant is applied for and whose age is under 40.
b) To have Spanish nationality or of a member of the European Community, of an Iberoamerican country or from a country of Asia and the Pacific. Candidates with nationality of countries of Asia and the Pacific must present a joint application with a citizen of Spanish nationality.
c) To present a project to be carried out during the period the grant lasts, whose result is a clear application and a physical medium or final practice, such as exhibitions, cultural events, books, etc., which will be spread by Casa Asia. The resultant material of the project will hold the Casa Asia logo and will be part of its Media Library. If the project is published(in any medium), five copies must be sent to the Department of Educational Programmes (Av. Diagonal 373, 08008 Barcelona), which will serve for the spreading of the project at the Barcelona Casa Asia Media Library and at the Casa Asia Centre - Madrid. The cultural programmes that come from the project will be developed under the supervision of Casa Asia. In all cases the collaboration with Casa Asia in the carrying out of the project must be stated.
Grants can be applied for between the 12th of April and the 31st of May 2010.
Candidates must address their application to the following address:
Casa Asia
Department of Educational Programmes
Av. Diagonal, 373
08008 Barcelona
SEE website for application guidelines and forms
Source: Cyberkaris - Interarts
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