Brussels | IETM seeks Communication Officer

IETM, international network for the contemporary performing arts, based in Brussels, is looking for a Communication Officer (full time contract) - an exceptional communication professional, bilingual English and French, developer of cutting edge communication strategies and models.
The small and dynamic Secretariat of one of Europe’s largest cultural networks is looking for an exceptional communication professional willing to put all his/her creative thoughts into practice in order to serve the network and its 450 members and help strengthen the position of contemporary performing arts.
We expect the new Communication Officer
- to ensure the development and implementation of innovative and effective means of communication for IETM’s internal communication (both between Secretariat, Board and members and the exchange between IETM-‐members).
- to take care of the close day to day communication between Secretariat and members.
- to ensure the most efficient external communication of IETM’s vision, strategy and activities (to stakeholders, press, decision-‐makers, colleagues).
- to develop efficient tools to keep track of the international activities of the members, especially those between members and/or those started within the IETM-‐network.
Our new colleague will be a developer of cutting edge communication strategies and models, is a born networker and communicator, who is bilingual English and French. The knowledge of and love for the contemporary performing arts is an asset.
Download full job description [in English]
Other requirements:
Experience with CMS/CRM management, good knowledge of Photoshop and/or indesign, basic knowledge of Drupal, experience in the use of social media and web based communication programmes.
Working hours are flexible to an average of 38 hours a week. The post is based in Brussels and implies limited traveling. We hope to fill the vacancy by January 2014.
Deadline for application: November 8, 2013
Interviews on November 18 & 19, 2013
Please send your letter and c.v. to the Secretary General,
19 Square Sainctelette
BE 1000 Brussels
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