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Opportunities > Berlin: call for curators | arts-health projects


17 Sep 2010

Berlin: call for curators | arts-health projects

None Meridian | Urban Curatorial Projects on Health announces call for proposals to up-and-coming curators for projects linking art and health/Asian medicine themes for Asia-Pacific Weeks, Berlin, 2011.

Deadline for entries: Friday, September 17, 2010

Duration: September 6–17, 2011

Location: Berlin City Centre

Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin invites up-and-coming curators to enter their proposals for site-specific art projects in public space for Meridian I Urban. Curatorial Projects on Health.

Meridians – imaginary lines running from pole to pole, connecting one region with another – help us map the world. In traditional Asian medicine, the meridian system is an invisible network that provides the body with vital energy. Although Western science has not yet acknowledged its existence, the meridian is our starting point for targeting questions of balance and imbalance.

Curators are invited to propose artworks for the city center of Berlin. The projects should address the relationship between art and health, referring to its implications for contemporary urban life and challenging our idea of human nature. Creating a map of the city and detecting its pulse, the projects of Meridian I Urban will be presented in public spaces in Berlin during the 8th Asia-Pacific Weeks (September 6–17, 2011). Selected participants will be invited to a workshop in the framework of Synapse, the international network for up-and-coming curators at Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

Organization and partners

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is a place for international contemporary arts and a forum for current developments and discourse. It presents artistic productions from around the world, with a special focus on non-European cultures and societies. Visual arts, music, literature, performing arts, film, academic discussions and digital media are all linked in an interdisciplinary program that is unique in Europe. Haus der Kulturen der Welt plans and coordinates the cultural section of the Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin in cooperation with the Berlin Senate Chancellery and local and international partners.

Application requirements

The call is open to curators with initial curatorial experience in the field of public art. At least one member of each project/group (curator or artist) must be Berlin-based, and at least one member must be able to demonstrate a link to the Asia-Pacific region.

Deadline for entries: September 17, 2010

Please submit your application digitally (pdf file of max. 9 MB) to meridian.urban [at]

Only electronic applications in English will be accepted.

In order to apply, please send the components of your project proposal as listed below.

Components of project proposals

1. Application form with personal details

2. Detailed concept of the project with visualization in the form of sketches, photos, plans, etc.

3. Suggested venue in the Berlin city center and a sketch of the site

4. List of participating artist(s) and curator(s) including brief CVs

5. Report of previous curatorial projects

6. Schedule for development and realization

7. Financial plan

Selection procedure

An international jury of curators will review the project proposals and announce up to five selected projects by October 2010. Each selected project will receive a financial subsidy for production costs of up to EUR 20,000 as well as logistic support. The selected participants will be invited to a preparatory production meeting in Berlin (up to one week) between late October and December 2010. Groups will be asked to send a single representative.

Jury members

Katja Blomberg (art historian, Berlin) | Yu Yeon Kim (curator, NYC and Seoul) (tbc) | Osvaldo Sánchez (curator, Mexico City) | Adele Tan (art historian, Singapore)

Contact: If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Meridian l Urban. Curatorial Projects on Health takes place in the framework of the 8th Asia-Pacific Weeks, September 6–17, 2011.

The Asia-Pacific Weeks are supported by the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin .