Austro Sino Arts Program | open call to artists

International call to artists to submit proposals for works in designated public spaces in China. The Austro Sino Arts Program is celebrating its 5th anniversary of artistic activities in 2013 and will in cooperation with the Embassy of the Arts curate a public art tour through China with follow up exhibitions.
In China, art in public space is hardly known besides the display of history related objects, patriotic sculptures and monuments. Contemporary art rarely leaves galleries or museums whereas, in the West, art in public space is a common form of expression. We claim the right for the artist to place art into public spaces that are dominated by architects and advertisers.
In 2012 ASAP moved in between Beijing to Ningbo with the work of 20 artists, which were embedded in various public and private locations.
See website for the 15 locations for which we ask artists to submit work.
Criteria for a submission is that the artwork has to reflect or relate to China in its contemporary or historic form in a wider context.
The submitted work can be printable (e.g. graphics / photographs / prints of any kind), original paintings or drawing that can be permanently installed on location, sculptural work that can be permanently installed on location and video work, which will be screened onto location for one night.
Each selected work will be assigned with a limited production budget. Each selected artists will receive 5 copies of the publication produced.
The artwork shown in public space will be recorded and later rendered into an indoor installation in a museum/art center/gallery (locations will be announced later).
The public space work will take place in August 2013. The indoor exhibitions between September and November 2013.
Submission: Deadline is the 28th of February 2013
Selected artists will be informed by the end of March 2013.
Download pdf call and make sure you check all the guidelines on the website
Information on previous exhibitions can be found on the website
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