Associate Curator job | Fondation Galeries Lafayette, Paris

The Fondation Galeries Lafayette is currently recruiting for the post of associate curator for a set period of three years, starting in February–March 2015. The Fondation Galeries Lafayette, the first institution dedicated to the production of contemporary art, design and fashion in France, will open in autumn 2016 in the heart of Paris, in a 19th-century building renovated by the architecture practice OMA.
Initiated by Guillaume Houzé, the Foundation will be a place for research, production, exhibition and discussion, working closely with international practitioners engaged with issues relevant to the world we live in. Until its launch, and since October 2013, the Foundation accompanies the production of artistic projects and develops an ambitious public programme in a temporary space located in the Marais neighbourhood.
The associate curator will join the Foundation’s curatorial platform, set up to valorise collective thinking. She or he will have significant knowledge of two of the three following fields—contemporary art, design and fashion—as well as of their international networks and current discourses. The candidate will have acquired relevant experience of working at the crossroads between these fields, and a capacity to generate interdisciplinary encounters via media including exhibitions, events, publications and the web. She or he will further demonstrate an ability to work in close dialogue with a team of curators and producers, as well as autonomously. The candidate will be an international curator based outside of France.
Deadline for applications: December 1 2014
In collaboration with the curatorial team and the Director, the associate curator will develop a world-class programme, conceiving group and monographic exhibitions, as well as curatorial projects which respond to the Foundation’s vision while investigating new territories. The candidate will also develop experimental forms and tools of engagement between artists and audiences, including young people. She or he will produce writing and compile and commission content for the Foundation’s publications and online resource, an important feature of the future institution. The associate curator will further contribute to carving a space for the Foundation on the international institutional and critical landscape, while making the institution relevant nationally and locally. She or he will seek and build partnerships with institutions internationally.
The associate curator will travel to Paris at regular intervals, working with the team onsite the equivalent of one week a month, in addition to the work carried out for the Foundation from her or his own city. Being part-time, the position enables the associate curator to continue with other part-time commitments. Speaking French isn’t a requirement, however the candidate should be fluent in English.
Candidates must send a cover letter and CV by Monday 1 December, 12pm, to Laurence Perrillat, Please write “Associate Curator Position” in the subject line.
The cover letter (maximum two sides of A4) should outline the applicant’s engagement with art, design and/or fashion, and how it has manifested in their work to date. Details of relevant experience are also required, alongside a description of the applicant’s current activities.
For further information on the Foundation, the role and how to apply, please visit or contact the Foundation’s administrator Laurence Perrillat:
T +33 (0) 1 45 96 68 68 /
Image: Model of the Fondation Galeries Lafayette, OMA, 2014
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