6th World Summit on Arts and Culture | travel bursaries available | Call for Papers

The 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture takes place in Santiago de Chile, January 13-16 2014. Some travel bursaries are available for delegates from developing countries (deadline 7 June) and a Call for Papers is open until 19 May.
Application for Bursaries
The Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes and the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) are pleased to advise that some assistance will be available to enable delegates from developing countries to attend the 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture.
In selecting who will receive assistance for registration, travel and/or accommodation for the World Summit, our aim is to support participation from the widest number of countries within the budget available using the following criteria:
1. Breadth of knowledge about the Summit theme and the potential to contribute to, and benefit from, the discussions, workshops and networking opportunities.
2. Degree of interest in the objectives of IFACCA as demonstrated by participation in the Federation or sharing of information with the network
3. Financial need (based on the GDP of your country).
4. The number of times the applicant has received support to participate in World Summits or other IFACCA events in the past
If you need assistance to cover the costs of registration, travel and/or accommodation, please complete the form at the link below, explaining in 200 words or less why you think you should be awarded a bursary, referring to the criteria above by Friday 7 June 2013.
Bursary awards will be decided jointly by IFACCA and the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, and will be announced in late August 2013. The number of bursaries awarded will depend on available funding.
A Call for Papers for the 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture
The International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA) and the National Council for Culture and the Arts, Chile (CNCA) are pleased to invite arts professionals, academics, producers, administrators, creators and arts workers to submit proposals for presentation at the 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture.
Within the overarching theme of Creative Times: new models for cultural development, the 6th World Summit will focus on how globalisation, shifts in social and economic development, and new forms of communication are generating an array of challenges and opportunities within the cultural field, and on how this is impacting on the development of our societies and nations.
The Selection process will be made by the Summit Programme Director, Magdalena Moreno, in consultation with the Summit hosts, the CNCA and IFACCA.
We are seeking your suggestions of keynote speakers, panellists or presenters of case studies who can successfully address the Summit’s theme.
Proposals need to be submitted to us via the online form:
Deadline: 19 May 2013
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