UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture

The first
UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture will bring together, for the first time, Ministers of Tourism and Ministers of Culture from around the world, experts and stakeholders from both sectors to explore new models of partnership between tourism and culture (Siem Reap, Cambodia, 4-6 February 2015).
Gathering tourism and culture stakeholders from all world regions in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the Conference will address a wide range of topics, including governance models, the promotion, protection and safeguarding of culture, innovation, the role of creative industries and urban regeneration as a vehicle for sustainable development in destinations worldwide.
Take a look at the
programme and
Conference registration is open
Culture, reflected in traditions, languages, monuments, music, handicrafts and art around the world, is of immeasurable inherent value to its community of origin. At the same time, culture is a key tourism asset, inspiring millions of tourists to visit new destinations each year.Sustainably managed, tourism can be a considerable force for the promotion and safeguarding of the tangible and intangible heritage it relies on, while encouraging the development of arts, crafts and other creative activities.
For many years, UNWTO and UNESCO have been working together to raise awareness about the strong interlinks between tourism and culture, while emphasizing the need for mutually beneficial partnership models. Success will require engaging culture and tourism stakeholders at all levels to address cross cutting responsibilities in areas such as governance, community engagement, innovation and technology and corporate social responsibility.
At a time of an unprecedented tourism growth, with more than one billion tourists crossing international borders each year, the first UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture will provide a much needed global platform for policy-makers, experts and practitioners in both fields to meet and identify the key challenges and opportunities for sustainable development of cultural tourism.
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