TERASIA: Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation - online week
TERASIA: Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation is a collaborative project between Asian artists that started in 2020 in the wake of a pandemic. In its second year, we will hold "TERASIA Online Week 2021," a 10-day virtual festival from 19-28 November to present videos of performances and talks by the teams in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and Japan.
TERASIA: Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation is a collaborative project between Asian artists that started in 2020 in the wake of a pandemic. Artists based in different areas across Asia re-create and present the theatre piece “TERA,” first performed in Tokyo in 2018.
The artistic plans of Japanese, Thai, Myanmarese, Vietnamese and Indonesian versions of “TERA” have a commonality; to explore questions around death, as well as invisible beings such as gods, buddhas, and spirits, by using poetry, storytelling, music, Buddhist concepts, and religious spaces.
– Who are we?
– What do we believe in, and where do we go?
– What is life? What is death?
While confronting such universal questions, each team brings original ideas and inspirations to create their version of “TERA,” reflecting the values and history of the people they encounter in their communities.