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News & events > Paris - Season of Cambodia festival

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03 May 2018 - 27 May 2018

Paris - Season of Cambodia festival


In May 2018 in and around Paris, the festival Cambodia - from yesterday to today [Cambodge, d’hier à aujourd’hui] invites audiences to discover Cambodia through its contemporary artistic creation, with a programme rich in shows, screenings, exhibitions, ceremonies, conferences, open air entertainment, literary and musical evenings, taking place in 15 different venues in and around Paris.

This exceptional festival is the fruit of a collaboration between over 30 partners based in Cambodia, France and the USA. It is part of a larger initiative by Cambodia Living Arts -  Season of Cambodia.


  • 17 events from 3 - 27 May 
  • 6 exhibitions from 26 April - 30 June

See website for programme events (in French)

BANGSOKOL - Requiem for Cambodia is performed on 16 May as part of the programme

Read this interview with Bangsokol composer Him Sophy

Bangsokol: A Requiem for Cambodia is a performance piece that uses dance, film, music and theatre to honour those killed during the country’s turbulent past. Ahead of its showing Paris this month, composer Him Sophy discussed Bangsokol’s cathartic power and his motivation for opening his eponymous music school in Phnom Penh.