Dublin | World Crafts Council Europe conference

[caption id="attachment_10036" align="alignright" width="427" caption="'Chinese Whispers' by Lina Peterson"]
The World Crafts Council (Europe) will meet in Dublin in June 2011. Followed by the
Year of Craft 2011 Public Conference, on 9th June, 2011:
CRAFT CONSCIOUS: Re-shaping global futures in the innovation age.
World Crafts Council – Europe, General Assembly,
8th June, 2011 (WCC-E members only)
Year of Craft 2011 Public Conference,
9th June, 2011 (Open to the public) CRAFT CONSCIOUS: Re-shaping global futures in the innovation age
The World Crafts Council (Europe) will meet in Dublin in June 2011. This prestigious honour for Ireland will see craft delegates and members of the World Crafts Council from across Europe host their annual General Assembly in Dublin Castle on 8th June, followed by the Year of Craft 2011 Public Conference, on 9th June. 2011: CRAFT CONSCIOUS: Re-shaping global futures in the innovation age.
The conference will address issues, opportunities and themes of common concern over the two days at Dublin Castle. The Crafts Council of Ireland are delighted and honoured that President Mary McAleese has confirmed that she will address conference delegates. Keynote speakers Edmund De Waal; world renowned potter and author of '
The Hare With Amber Eyes' and Leonardo Bonanni, who teaches the ‘Future Craft’ programme at MIT, and is a world leader in sustainable design of products and supply chains. Also Brian Keaney, designer and director at Tonfisk, Finland. The accompanying conference programme will present exhibitions of work across Dublin by Irish and European makers and will include a range of cultural activities for visiting delegates. Additional speakers to be announced.
Crafts Council of Ireland and
Craft Northern Ireland have designated 2011 as
Year of Craft. The year marks the 40th anniversary of the Crafts Council of Ireland and is celebrated through a diverse range of dynamic events and programmes to showcase the very best of craft made on the island of Ireland.
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