ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

By Jenny Siung

14 Aug 2023

The role of cultural heritage within cities

Chester Beatty-Faiths in Focus

In 2017, the American Alliance of Museums looked into the future and projected how museums will operate in 2040 and predicted some will move from a static collection-based organisation to …

By Sarah Zia

19 Dec 2022

Taking Cultural Diplomacy to the Masses in Times of Covid

Sarah Zia explores how online campaigns were used innovatively to bridge and create cultural diplomacy digitally in South Asia.

By Minji Chun

23 Nov 2022

Sustainable and Inclusive for All: Rethinking the Concept of "Cultural Mobility"

Minji Chun rethinks the concept of "cultural mobility" from perspectives of sustainability, equality, and inclusivity.

By Hugh Davies

15 Feb 2022

Videogames in the Museum, The Museum in Videogames

Videogames are important cultural artifacts. Not only are they expressive instances of contemporary culture, they also represent the latest chapter in humanity’s ancient obsession with games and play.

By Nicole Chang Shu Fun

31 Jan 2022

Re-interpreting the role of Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah | Malaysia

In addition to playing its role in preserving and showcasing cultural or natural heritage, museums play a crucial role in facilitating public education and cultural participation among visitors.

By Claire Rosslyn Wilson

24 Mar 2021

Learning from experience: Supporting diverse voices in the Australian arts sector

How are the arts adapting to the #NewNormal"? One year into the global pandemic, this series presents experiences and stories of #resilience, #adaptation, and success from the arts sector to …

Virtual Workings | PERTIWI : Resilience in the arts


Participants of the online residency Virtual Workings Kamiliah Bahdar from Singapore and Savitri Sastrawan from Indonesia worked together on “Pertiwi” under the mentorship of Luckana Kunavichayanont. The two curators talk …

Virtual Workings | Clearing Histories: The First Voice in Cyberspace


Participants of the online residency Virtual Workings Celene Sakurako from Japan and Mac Andre Arboleda from the Philippines worked together on “Clearing Histories” under the mentorship of Dr. Amareswar Galla. …

By Nicole Chang Shu Fun

24 Feb 2021

Funding the Arts in Times of Pandemic in Malaysia

How are the arts adapting to the #NewNormal"? Well over 11 months into the global pandemic, this series presents experiences and stories of #resilience, #adaptation, and success from the arts …

By Carina Merin

08 Feb 2021

NEW INSIGHTS, NEW FORESIGHTS: Musings on the Performance Curators Initiatives' Virtual International Symposium 2020

Last October, the Performance Curators Initiatives (PCI), a global network of performance curators based in the Philippines, held its second international symposium entitled "Conversations on Curation and Performance in the …

By Jeffrey Tan

03 Feb 2021

Creating Online Collaborations – the SAME-SAME experience

In this article, creative producer Jeffrey Tan shares the experience of SAME-SAME, an online inclusive collaboration between differently abled artists from Singapore and Australia, developed in time of Covid-19.

By SJ Armstrong

28 Jan 2021

Invisible Borders: How transnational artist residences are adapting to travel bans

Art transcends borders. Physical borders, mental boundaries, transnational highways that bind us in place. Travel has been savaged by the ‘new normal’.

By Di Liu

21 Jan 2021

"How are the arts adapting to the New Normal"? | A Reading Room in Guangzhou

A library, a study room, and a hangout spot, Reading Room is a public space where friends gather to read, discuss, meditate and imagine. Launched by HB Station in Guangzhou, …

By Veeranganakumari Solanki

14 Jan 2021

Funding the Arts in the time of pandemic

This article by Veerangana Solanki looks at various art funding models that emerged in three South Asian ASEM countries – Bangladesh, India, Pakistan – to support artists and art practices …

By James Luigi Tana

04 Jan 2021

Art and Artists’ (Im)Mobility

Last December, culture360 launched a series articles on how the arts are adapting to the "New Normal. Well over 10 months into the global pandemic, this series will present experiences …

By Christos Pavlakis

14 Dec 2020

Getting creative at home: Re-storying neuro-diversity

This month, culture360 will launch a series articles on how the arts are adapting to the "New Normal. Well over 10 months into the global pandemic, this series will present …

By Andrea Abellon

18 Oct 2020

Virtual360 Konnect | Mid-residency: What's happening so far


The 20 residents of Virtual360 Konnect - Emerging Arts Leaders Virtual Residency Series are on full speed working together on their joint projects.

By Judith Staines

15 Apr 2020

#StayHome #iorestoacasa #Quedateacasa - virtual tours of museums, online performances, webcams and more


Many of us are confined at home #StayHome during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across Europe and Asia, masses of arts events have sadly been cancelled – festivals, conferences, performances, exhibitions, biennales …