Vietnam National Academy of Music

Vietnam National Academy of Music (the former Hanoi National Conservatory of Music) was founded in 1956 and has been the first and biggest professional music training institution of Vietnam and region, focusing on music performance, research and training.
Professional music training covers from secondary level up to undergraduation, Master and Doctorate.
Approximately 1800 students are now enrolled in about 40 different music courses and programmes. Teaching staff consists of 200 lecturers who are the leading and prestigious professional music educators of the country. Many international students from Laos, Sweden, Korea, Japan are joining various music courses in the Academy.
The leading teaching and performing staff from VNAM, accompany with talented students, has contributed significant roles in national music concerts and events. Anually, VNAM’s Hanoi Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Music Orchestra, Choir and Vietnamese Traditional Music Orchestra perform in hundreds of music concerts and in national events, helping to popularise music to community and bringing Vietnamese traditional music to the world as well as helping to improve music knowledge and arts appreciation of the community over the country.
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