SHIFT Eco-Guidelines for Networks out now

This free resource from the SHIFT (Shared Initiatives For Training) project provides a set of guidelines to address the ecological footprint of international cultural network and platform organisations.
The SHIFT Eco-Guidelines for Networks serve as a reference document for network organisations that aim to minimise their footprint, optimise environmentally sustainable practices, and act as an example of good practice for their members and other networks. The guidelines are openly accessible so that they can inspire structural organisational change in the cultural sectors.
The guidelines are tailor-made for cultural network organisations, taking into consideration their unique characteristics and the contexts within which they operate. The aim is to cover all major areas of an organisation’s environmental impact, including operations, policies, activities, and governance. Special attention is given to travel and events, which are the main sources of carbon emissions for network organisations.
The guidelines are structured in such a way that they could potentially be used as part of a certification scheme for cultural network organisations. Each chapter tackles a different area that requires action, which is then subdivided into norms (key action points for that area).
In addition to the downloadable PDF, the SHIFT partners have developed three templates for the Eco-guidelines that address sustainable action plans, participant travel modes and contract clause examples.
The SHIFT Eco-Guidelines, initiated by the nine SHIFT partners and created in collaboration with the Green Leisure Group and Creative Carbon Scotland, are a first step towards filling a gap in the environmental certification offer.
SHIFT is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and was initiated by nine cultural networks: European Music Council, European Choral Association, European Union of Music Competitions for Youth, ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts), FACE, IETM, On the Move, Trans Europe Halles and International Music Council.