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04 Jun 2018

OMC report | Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cultural and Creative Sectors


The EU has published a report on The role of public policies in developing entrepreneurial and innovation potential of the cultural and creative sectors. The publication was developed by the OMC (Open Method of Coordination) working group of Member States' experts.

Solutions for an inclusive and innovative society –  a new vision for society

The cultural and creative sectors (CCS) perform well in terms of growth, jobs and crisis resilience. They are also a driver for innovation. It is therefore worth investing more in these sectors when building the future of Europe. In addition to their economic importance, the cultural and creative sectors have an additional asset: the potential to generate positive change, in and for society, by strengthening people’s well-being. The European innovation policy framework needs to reflect further on the social and well-being aspects of the cultural and creative sectors as they are able to provide innovative solutions for problems in our societies. These solutions can be realised if people are willing to use the sectors’ creative tools and methods.

A culture of debate and experimentation – a new vision for dialogue and co-creation

The main challenges of the 21st century are and will be largely cultural in nature as human values and rights are being questioned, democracy is endangered (including in the digital world), and people and organisations are looking for new direction.  This situation requires exchanges and dialogue with and among as many citizens as possible, as well as innovative input from the cultural and creative sectors. These sectors provide space in which social dialogue can flourish, but they can also easily be hijacked to serve particular interest groups. A safe space for debate is required at all levels (supranational, national, regional and local), combined with cross-cutting cultural and creative sector policies to promote discussion.

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The innovative power of the cultural and creative sectors is essential for the further development of European economies and societies, because it: - generates well-being and cohesion; - shapes the public space used by millions of Europeans; - modernises industries and business sectors with new creative input and methods; - provides meaning and a feeling of belonging; - upgrades urban and rural areas; - designs our products and services; - produces and digitises content; - enriches our visual experiences; - provides content for debates.