Malta | Right to Culture resource pack for cultural inclusion

The Arts Council Malta has launched the Right to Culture – Resource Pack, resources aimed at strengthening cultural exchange, inclusion, accessibility and participation quality in cultural life.
The resource pack is an initiative aimed at increasing awareness regarding inclusivity and supporting the implementation of cultural rights in day-to-day cultural practice. The resource pack is intended as a reference guide and inspiration for anyone working with and for communities while striving for an increase in audience engagement and cultural participation.
The pack has two main parts:
- A handbook, intended as a handy, user-friendly reference guide including some examples of good practice from Malta and beyond
- A complementing toolkit that includes useful tools, templates, lists and references that are required in day-to-day practice
To question and analyse cultural rights, inclusivity, barriers encountered, needs and recommendations, key players from the sector and participant community members from diverse groups of society were invited to share their views and stories, and were involved throughout the entire research process. There was also consultation with the Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM).
While the resource pack was developed in the Maltese context, and as an aid for public cultural organisations, fund beneficiaries, civil society and operators, the insights and examples can be useful for cultural practitioners across diverse contexts.
Image: Launch of the Right to Culture – Resource Pack.
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