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Opportunities > WYNG Masters Award - extended deadline


15 Jan 2016

WYNG Masters Award - extended deadline

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International open call for submissions for the WYNG Masters Award - a non-profit photography award aiming to nurture the growth of photography as an art form in Hong Kong, as well as stimulate dialogue and foster community awareness on socially relevant issues of critical importance to Hong Kong.

PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for entries is extended to 15 January 2016

The WMA Commission invites entries for proposals from artists and photographers from both Hong Kong and the international community. The Commission recipient will be invited to create new photo-based work in Hong Kong, focusing on the theme of Identity. Project proposals must contextually relate to both the theme and to Hong Kong. A four-member Selection Panel will choose the WMA Commission recipient, who will be awarded a 250,000 HKD grant that will contribute towards production of the successful proposal and a public event featuring the completed work. The call for proposals is open to all local and international applicants. The WMA Commission is a part of the WYNG Masters Award programme.

Each year, a focused theme is chosen for the award. In the Award’s inaugural 2012/13 cycle, the theme was POVERTY, followed by AIR then WASTE, and the theme for the 2015/16 cycle is IDENTITY.

The WYNG Masters Award grants the recipient of the award a cash prize of HK$250,000. The recipient is chosen by an international panel of judges. Each of the six additional finalists will receive HK$15,000 cash. The winner will be announced at the exhibition of finalists’ works in April 2016.

WYNG Masters Award commences with an international open call for submissions of photographic works that satisfy two criteria – that the work be photographed in Hong Kong or be about Hong Kong AND that the images be related to the chosen theme for the WYNG Masters Award 2015/2016 - IDENTITY.


Entries are open to all residents of Hong Kong and other countries.

Photographs submitted must adhere to the following criteria -

1. the photographs must be taken in or be related to Hong Kong and

2. the photographs must be related to the subject of the WYNG Masters Award 2015/16, which is IDENTITY.