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Opportunities > St Petersburg | School of Innopraktika & Russian Seasons call for art, music, choreography participants


15 Apr 2021

St Petersburg | School of Innopraktika & Russian Seasons call for art, music, choreography participants

The School of Innopraktika and Russian Seasons announces the call for applications from young foreign students/art professionals for participation in three new sessions in art, music and choreography. Applicants residing outside the Russian Federation are invited to undergo the training. All financial expenses are covered by the School for the selected 45 young professionals. 

Note: different deadlines apply for the different arts disciplines

On the basis of the competition, 45 young professionals in the field of arts will be selected, 15 members for each session. The training will be given in English. This year, the host universities will be the Ilya Repin St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (art session), Boris Eifman Dance Academy (choreographic session) and the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory (music session). All three sessions will take place in St. Petersburg and will end at the summer festival in Sevastopol.

Each applicant should go through a serious competitive selection.

Selection criteria for participation in the sessions:

· Art session. An applicant must submit at least 7 works created using the specified materials in the following genres:

  • "Drawing" (paper, pencil),
  • "Painting" (oil on canvas),
  • "Sculpture" (description, photograph).

It is also required to have a document on artistic training: at least a bachelor's degree in an educational institution with a degree in Fine Arts.

Ages: 21-25

Dates: 10-28 May 2021

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2021

· Choreographic session. Each applicant should submit a portfolio as part of the selection process. For choreographers, it must consist of at least one realized production of any timing. For dancers, of video performances and descriptions of projects in which an applicant took part. In addition, you may provide:

  • description of your performances,
  • abstracts, photos,
  • video recordings of your performances,
  • media links.

Ages: 21-25

Date: 1-21 July 2021

Deadline for applications: 25 March 2021

· Music session. Applicants are invited to present an art portfolio with professional achievements and a video of their performance with a music program (for vocalists and conductors); composers must provide sheet music, dubbed tracks or studio recordings of their own compositions. Both instrumental (mostly small form) and vocal works, so­lo and choral (including arrangements of folk songs) can be demonstrated.

Ages: 18-30.

Date: 1-21 July 2021

Deadline for applications: 15 April 2021

In the course of study, future students will enjoy a rich cultural program, including tours to the leading cultural institutions of Russia.

The program of the concluding events of the School of Innopraktika and Russian Seasons will include the Summer Festival that will be held at the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theatre named after A.V. Lunacharsky from 23 to 25 July. The celebrated Russian ballet dancer Sergei Polunin will be the Festival's special guest.

Following the training, all participants will get diplomas of graduation from the School of Innopraktika and Russian Seasons and special prizes. All financial expenses are covered by the School. More detailed information can be found on the 'Russian Seasons' website in the School section