Robert H N Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant 2018

Asia Art Archive is calling for proposals for The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant. With support from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, the grant offers one-year fellowships to study AAA’s Collection and develop historical research projects on topics relating to contemporary art in Chinese communities worldwide.
Applicants will be assessed by a jury of curators, scholars, and other experts in the field on their knowledge of contemporary art in the Greater China region, relevant experience in the field, proposed methodology, and feasibility of the proposed research.
Applicants are welcome to draw on AAA’s extensive collection of primary source documents from the Greater China region. Applicants can develop research proposals that explore specific periods of time, themes, or phenomena in contemporary art from a broad Chinese context, and propose their own topics.
Eligible Applicants
Postgraduates (including pre-doctoral fellows) with a research focus on contemporary art or Greater China studies, and independent scholars and writers with solid research and publication track records.
AAA will award one grant of US$15,000 (approx. HK$120,000), and up to two smaller grants of US$5,000 (approx. HK$40,000). Budgets should allow for a two-month residency in Hong Kong; research trips to relevant locations during the residency; and acquisition and production of new materials.
Applicants are required to provide line item budgets with their proposals.
Enquires & Proposal Submission
Please send enquiries and proposals to Asia Art Archive via with the following:
- CV (academic history, relevant past projects, and at least two references)
- Research project description (objectives, approach, and background)
- Tentative timeline
- Budget proposal
Applicants may be contacted for additional information.
Project Completion
The selected projects are expected to begin in March 2019 and conclude by March 2020.
The recipient of the larger grant will be required to submit interim reports updating AAA on their progress. Upon completion, all documents and original materials collected during the course of the project, a written paper, a complete bibliography, and an inventory of collected materials must be submitted to AAA. The project will conclude with two public presentations by the grantee in 2020, one of which will be held at AAA in Hong Kong.
Recipients of the smaller grants will be required to submit a final paper and give a public presentation in Hong Kong or the city relevant to their research.
Application deadline: Sun, 18 Nov 2018
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